Welcome to
the Rainbow Wool Paradise! ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ

Once a month, shepherd Michael Stรผcke invites you to take a look behind the scenes at Rainbow Wool
and get to know the gay sheep during his farm tour!


This awaits you: 

  •  An exciting tour around the sheep farm in Lรถhne, Germany

  •  Coffee, tea and homemade cake based on an old family recipe

  • Time for questions, photos and a short Q&A with shepherd Michael
  • And of course: a visit to the gay sheep - in the barn or in the meadow (depending on the weather and season)

Duration: approx. 2 - 2.5 hours 

Costs: Unfortunately, we cannot offer the tour completely free of charge. The contribution towards expenses of โ‚ฌ15 per person (to be paid in cash on site) covers the preparation, additional work on the farm and catering. As Rainbow Wool is a matter close to our hearts, we are happy to receive additional donations - every euro will benefit the gay sheep! ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ‘

Maximum number of participants: 40 people

Language: German only (sorry!)

The next farm tour is on Saturday, May 3rd at 2 pm. Further dates will be announced shortly. 

Unfortunately, we can't accept any dates of your own choice - the dates are dependent on farm operations. 

You will receive further information by e-mail a few days after the registration.

Registration for the farm visit
Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required.